Received my new toy today a NavSpark-GL : Arduino Compatible Development Board with GPS/GLONASS!
Desciption strait from the website: NavSpark-GL is a small, powerful, breadboard-friendly, 32bit development board that is Arduino compatible, with a world class GPS/GLONASS receiver as on-board peripheral. NavSpark-GL is designed to run Wiring, the same simple code as the Arduino platform.
Just quickly wanted to post a tutorial of how to setup the Arduino IDE on a 64-bit Linux system.
Download Arduino IDE src and LEON3 BCC Compiler from
Extract IDE with:
Extract the LEON3 BCC Compiler to “/opt” with:
Create a symbolic link for tool chains:
Install libraries needed for running 32-bit program on 64-bit platform:
Optional Update: Also as note at this point if you do no have a version of Java JDK installed do so now, preferably version 7 of either openJDK of Oracle. Please note JRE will no work since you will require tool.jar only found in the JDK version.
Replace the download tools for 64-bit:
Install ant if not already installed:
Build Arduino:
That is it! To run naviagte to “Arduino-1.5.6-r2-Src-NavSpark/build/linux/work” there you will find “arduino” executable.