Into the Future Thread - Part 1
Just wanted to highlight what thread is used in regards to Java Futures in Java 8. The flow of execution. Basicly the differences between the normal and Async function in futures.
JIRA Docker quick setup
Just going to give a quick explination of how I got JIRA Software running quick for new company. Going to use Docker container for database postgres and another for Jira. We will then use nginx to serve the site and do the HTTPS with letsencrypt.
Vaadin EntityManager-Per-Request pattern using Server Push
Hibernate is one reason you mite need to do the following since Hibernate does not like keeping entity manager alive for long.
JOOQ MySQL/MariaDB and the duplicate column name
Hit a interesting issue today using MariaDB with JOOQ. I have a project that can be configured to use different underlying databases depending on client requirements and I use JOOQ to simplify this for me. One of the tables are structured as follow:
Dagger 2 Maven Config
Just a quick post on how to setup Dagger 2 with maven to compile without messing with eclipse settings. Just remember to include target/generated-sources to your class-path.
RuntimeException: wrong class format
I have a very old project still running on Jboss 6 AS, it has been on the TODO list to write but since it is of low importance, only used internally and it just works.
Hibernate fetching strategies
Fetching strategies are used to optimize the SQL generated by Hibernate. Using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools does have a overhead for the all the benefits it provides but this can be reduced by understanding it.
Enable SQL log in MySQL/MariaDB
When using a ORM like hibernate it is always a good idea to check what SQL is generated/executed. This is how you enable a log of the SQL executed on the MySQL/MariaDB server:
Jetty Embedded adding CORS Filter
How to add Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) filter to a embedded Jetty server. Jetty comes with a CORS filter that is easy to use. Add the following to you maven:
Self-signed SSL with private maven repository
When running a private MAVEN repository via https with self-signed certificate in my case Archiva. You will run into a error when trying to upload/download artifacts.