Official Eclipse support for Java 8
So far only IntelliJ 13.1 has support for Java 8 but now Eclipse also announced support for Java 8! Starting with I20140318-0830 all Luna (4.4) builds contain the Eclipse support for Java 8. There is also a feature patch available for Kepler SR2 (4.3.2). Source:
Java 8 released here is how to install
Java 8 JDK final got released today so time install!
Maven, Eclipse and Git what not to commit!
When using maven and git remember to add this to the .gitignore!
Hiding data on a Excel Spreadsheet using POI
I had a requirement where I needed to hide some meta data in Excel Spreadsheet. Instead of using hidden row/columns/cells I used Custom Properties. Custom properties is a map in the Spreadsheet file where you can store key/value data. I found this much safer than hiding the data on the sheets since users could delete/corrupt the data very easily.
Seam parameter as date
When using Seam Gen to setup basic pages from the persistence objects where a primary key is a date or one of the keys in the combined primary key is a date you will run into this error: “value must be a date” This is due to the date converter not working properly when seam is parsing the page parameters. By default it just performs a toString causing the page parameter to be populated as follow:
5×5 LED Cube
The 5×5 LED cube project version 1.0 is working!
I am making use of 4 shift registers 74CH595N to control the 25 columns and 5 P2N2222A NPN Transistor to select a layer. Currently I am writing the cube state for a layer out every 7ms.
JBoss and debug breakpoints
The problem
Cannot create Seam component, scope is not active
The problem: